donderdag 25 augustus 2016

Baby mobile

My sister in law is pregnant and I wanted to give her something self made. A while ago my brother and his girlfirend gave me a book with felt animal patterns for my birthday. I thought it might be cute to make a mobile with the felt animals. So I did, and this is the result:

I gave it to her yesterday and she opened the present in the garden while the sun was shining. The effect of the sun on the little mirrors was amazing. To bad I forgot to take a picture...

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Zal een supermooi plekje krijgen op de kinderkamer! Elke ochtend als we de gordijnen (veel te vroeg openen) zullen we goedgezind worden door de dansende spiegeltjes met diertjes tussen! Dankjewel!!!
