dinsdag 8 augustus 2017

Banana bread

Summer in Belgium = only a few days of sunshine, the rest is cloudy, rainy and weird :'-(

Today is a rainy day, so no crafting outside and I decided to bake a cake instead.
I had 2 bananas in the fridge and no eggs. I've been seeing a lot of vegan cakes on the internet lately so I looked up a recipe and stumbled upon a recipe for banana bread.
And wauw!
It's SUPER yummy! I couldn't wait to taste it when it got out of the oven so I ate it when it was still warm...Yummmm!! See for yourself :-)

It was so good I posted it on Instagram as well (used a little filter there :-p)
Clicking the pic will open the Instagram post.

Thanks for the recipe, Liv B.

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